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Decolonizing the Land and Food System Webinar

Indigenous Resilience in Times of Crisis

The compounded crises of climate change and COVID-19 have widened the inequalities that exist in our already unequal food system. Decolonizing the land and food system is thus a critical strategy for putting economies of solidarity into action. Join Dawn Morrison, Founder, Chair, and Coordinator of the BCSFN Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Wilson Mendes, LFS PhD Candidate, Angela McIntyre, CSFS Postdoctoral Fellow, as well as other speakers to be announced, for a panel and discussion on Indigenous food sovereignty and resiliency – during COVID-19 and beyond.

Join Dawn Morrison, Founder, Chair, and Coordinator of the BCSFN Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Wilson Mendes, LFS PhD Candidate, Angela McIntyre, CSFS Postdoctoral Fellow, as well as other speakers to be announced, for a panel and discussion on Indigenous food sovereignty and resiliency – during COVID-19 and beyond.

Registration: https://ubc.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=da4a9c41aa1a34b942209f417&id=ff201fa60d