Tell BC to assess the Copper Mountain Mine expansion

Picture of the current tailings pond dam

Public consultation period concluded for the the Copper Mountain Mine expansion

Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent public consultation regarding the proposed expansion of the Copper Mountain mine in British Columbia. Your voices and opinions are invaluable in shaping our approach to this significant environmental and cultural issue.

As a reminder, this consultation focused on the proposed expansion of the mine's tailings pond, which could become the world's second tallest, posing significant risks to local ecosystems and communities. The expansion, which lacks a mandatory environmental assessment due to regulatory loopholes, could profoundly affect the cultural practices, rights, and titles of the Upper and Lower Similkameen Indian Bands.

While the formal consultation period is now over, your involvement doesn't have to end here. We encourage you to stay engaged and informed. Visit our website to explore related content, including detailed reports, expert opinions, and ways you can continue to advocate for an environmental assessment of the expansion. Your ongoing support and action can make a crucial difference in ensuring responsible mining practices and protecting our environment and communities.

Together, let's keep the momentum going and ensure that the voices calling for environmental accountability and cultural respect are heard.

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