Take a look at these photos of fresh old-growth logging from the south side of Walbran Valley. Last week, the Wilderness Committee’s Vancouver Island campaigner Torrance Coste and other staff traveled to the Walbran to document several areas that were clearcut logged over the winter by Teal Jones.
To download, right-click on the image. Please include photo credits to Torrance Coste & Emily Hoffpauir
Fresh Teal Jones clearcut in the Walbran Valley, with the intact but threatened Central Walbran Valley in the background. (Torrance Coste)
New Teal Jones clearcut in the Walbran Valley (Torrance Coste)
Wilderness Committee campaigner Torrance Coste in an old-growth clearcut, logged recently by Teal Jones. (Emily Hoffpauir)
Massive old-growth clearcut in the Walbran Valley, logged recently by Teal Jones. (Torrance Coste)
Wilderness Committee campaigner Torrance Coste in a fresh Teal Jones clearcut in the Walbran Valley, with the intact Central Walbran in the background. (Emily Hoffpauir)
Old-growth red-cedar in a fresh Teal Jones clearcut in the Walbran Valley. (Torrance Coste)
Teal Jones logging equipment in a fresh old-growth clearcut in the Walbran Valley. (Torrance Coste)

Old-growth cedar in the Walbran Valley, recently clear-cut by Teal Jones. (Torrance Coste)
The Wilderness Committee's Emily Hoffpauir in a new old-growth clearcut, logged this winter by Teal Jones. The unprotected Central Walbran Valley is in the background. (Torrance Coste)
Wilderness Committee staff and volunteers in a new Teal Jones clearcut in the Walbran Valley. (Torrance Coste)