Environmental Leadership Award for Heart of the Boreal protection helps get the word out

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Good neighbors are a great find, and yesterday the Wilderness Committee had some help from neighbor environmental organizations working across Canada. The leaders of 11 groups travelled to Winnipeg to present the Manitoba government and the Pimachiowin Aki Corporation with the inaugural Environmental Leadership Award for their work on preserving the Heart of the Boreal.

Pimachiowin Aki is the non-profit organization made up of five East Side First Nations, plus the Manitoba and Ontario provincial governments, that are putting together a nomination bid to have part of the Heart of the Boreal designated a UNESCO World Heritage site, and working to permanently protect large parts of the First Nation traditional territories. It is the work and the progressive relationship of Pimachiowin Aki that inspired our neighbour enviro groups to award this honour.

The reception and award presentation was in the evening, but in the afternoon we sat down for a quick meeting with the visiting groups, to chat about the grassroots work being done on the ground. We talked about the fact that there was no new permanent protected area in the Heart of the Boreal in eleven years of government, and that Manitoba was far behind in protecting its lands and waters.

Our neighbor enviro groups definitely recognize that more permanent protected area is needed in this province. At the same time, the new Leadership Award is meant to encourage visionary work, and the coordinated effort of First Nations and provincial governments to preserve the Heart of the Boreal is an excellent example of inclusionary, forward-thinking planning.

At the evening reception, Premier Selinger spoke very eloquently and passionately about the value of the Heart of the Boreal, and Manitoba’s duty to preserve our natural, functioning ecosystems.

The best thing about this award and visit is that Canadians are starting to recognize the significance of the Heart of the Boreal. Manitobans are privileged to have the opportunity that we do--the chance to show vision by protecting the greatest intact forest in the northern hemisphere.

The Pembina Institute's Media Release and more information can be found here.

- Eric Reder

Premier Selinger with Sophia of Pimachiowin Aki Corporation


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