Juan de Fuca Trail under Threat Video Update

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

   Over the last couple years the Juan de Fuca Forest Lands have come under threat - from old growth logging, from urban sprawl and other development. Now a new threat has arisen in the form of a proposed tourist resort that would stretch alongside 7 kilometers of the beautiful Juan de Fuca Marine Trail.  

 West Vancouver developer Ender Ilkay and the Marine Trail Holding group wants to build nearly 300 tourist cabins within viewing of the public trail. The proposal calls for tree line "trimming" to ensure ocean view for the new home owners, and relocation of the trail in sereval places to steeper banks. We must take a stand against this project, not just to protect the integrity of Juan De Fuca Marine Trail, but also to ensure that the CRD does not open up this entire region to large-scale development. Developments like this have no place on Vancouver Island's Wild Coast. Join the campaign to save the Juan de Fuca trail, and write a letter today!