Local Canadian Idol Star Releases Song to Help Fight Waste Incineration

Thursday, May 27, 2010

As Metro Vancouver consults the public on its plan to burn more of the region’s garbage, those opposing the plan have a creative new ally.

Shane Wiebe from Abbotsford became a local hero when he finished in the Top 5 on the hit TV show “Canadian Idol”. Since tehn, Wiebe has joined musical forces with his wife Angela as "The Wiebes".

They have recently added their voices to those opposing waste incineration to stand up for the Fraser Valley's sensitive air quality. The Wiebes recorded "Landfill in the Sky" (to the tune of “Spirit in the Sky” by Norman Greenbaum) at a Fraser Valley recording studio with accompaniment from other Fraser Valley musicians.

Wiebe was first approached by Patricia Ross, chair of the Fraser Valley Regional District. Ross worked with Ben West from the Wilderness Committee and Fraser Valley environmentalist John Vissers to develop the concept and lyrics.

"Fighting waste incineration is a real David vs. Goliath experience. These garbage incineration companies are spending big money and Metro Vancouver staff are pulling out all the stops to pitch incineration to the public so we need to get creative like we did when we stopped the Sumas 2 power plant. It's great to have Shane on board," said Ross.

"We are happy to do what we can to bring attention to this issue. Burning garbage is so clearly the wrong way to go, and hopefully this light-hearted approach makes people smile and at the same time think more seriously about protecting our air quality," said Wiebe.

Ross, West and Vissers have been working with the Zero Waste BC network to oppose incineration and support sensible waste reduction solutions including increased composting and recycling.

"Public input is critical to stopping more waste incineration. We want people to hear The Wiebes' song and then go check out the ZeroWasteBC.org website and use it to get more informed, then write to decision makers,” said Ross.

"Shane has been nice enough to post a link to Zero Waste BC's site on their website at www.thewiebesmusic.com and the Wilderness Committee also has useful information and a letter writing tool on their website at wildernesscommittee.org/waste" said Ross.

"The point of this song is to remind people that you can't make garbage disappear. It either goes into a landfill in the ground or a “landfill in the sky”, and dumping toxins into the air we breathe is a really bad idea. We need to get serious about real solutions and stop wasting time on these kind of dangerous false solutions," said West.

Link to “Landfill In The Sky” http://zerowastebc.org/landfill-in-the-sky.mp3


For more information please contact:

Ben West, Wilderness Committee Healthy Communities Campaigner, 604-710-5340;
Shane Wiebe, contestant on the second season of Canadian Idol, 604-557-6048;
Patricia Ross, chair of the Fraser Valley Regional District, 778-549-0708