Save the Juan de Fuca Trail! Get on the BUS

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A public meeting to be held on September 6th is our last, best chance to stop a reckless and destructive development near the beloved Juan de Fuca Trail.

We need to pack the room at this meeting, in order to send a loud message that they can't ignore: this proposed resort needs to be stopped, and the wilderness around the trail needs to be protected.

The momentum building up to this Juan de Fuca public meeting is inspiring to behold. The public response has been huge - and we have booked two buses to accommodate the large number of people who want to attend!

People from all of Vancouver Island understand what is at stake if this 260 vacation home development gets built. It will open the entire Juan de Fuca region up to reckless development. It will do irreversible damage to the forests next to the Juan de Fuca Trail, and it will forever impact the wilderness that people value and love about the trail.

This is why, together, we are making a stand. And we need big numbers to make a big impact - this is a crucial meeting. Reserve your seat on the bus today.

Buses will be leaving downtown and UVIC at 3:00 on September 6th to get to Edward Milne School for a 4:15 rally and BBQ hosted by locals residents and the Muir Creek Protection Society.

See you on the bus!

Tria Donaldson | Pacific Coast Campaigner
Wilderness Committee

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