Is Whiteshell Park a place for a mine?

I have a friend who fanatically hoards her summer weekends, carefully ensuring she can get out to the water and woods to enjoy our wonderful parks. As Manitobans we cherish our parks. We love being outside and lake life is an institution for many.
But a disturbing and destructive cancer is spreading over Whiteshell and Nopiming Provincial Parks. Individuals stake mineral claims, effectively taking control of our wonderful wilderness.
I shot this video in Whiteshell Provincial Park, about new mining claims between Falcon Lake and Westhawk Lake. These claims were submitted to the Manitoba government last year and present an immediate risk to Whiteshell Provincial Park.
In 2012, when on-the-ground research by the Wilderness Committee uncovered destruction from mineral exploration in Nopiming, the government of the day agreed to restrict mineral exploration. The mines branch online map for mining claims even stated the area was for claim staking only.
The mines branch map now states advanced exploration projects are allowed in parks. So what would an advanced exploration project look like? Well, the entire Reed Mine in northern Manitoba was built in 2013 under an advanced exploration project. The forest was cleared, buildings were installed, the shaft was dug, a ramp up was built and 50,000 tonnes of ore was extracted before the project was publicized or an environment licence was applied for.
Our 2012 report stated the path forward and it is very simple: we need to end mining claims in parks. We cannot allow more individuals to seize control of our parks, which we need to protect nature and biodiversity and our own wellbeing.
We need you to write a letter for parks right now by clicking here.
Our letter-writing tool will allow you to reach all the individuals campaigning to run the province. Use it to talk about our parks. Together let’s end mining in Manitoba’s parks.