It is Time for Leadership on the Environment

Thursday, January 27, 2011

We have a unique moment in BC right now. There are currently leadership contests for both of the major political parties in the province.

This is an opportunity to have a dialogue with these candidates in regards to issues that we feel are important. We have assembled a list of the "Top 11 for 2011" of environmental issues that we feel are essential.
It was hard to narrow it down to 11, but here are the key provincial demands we chose to focus on:

1 ) Implement a BC Endangered Species Law.

2 ) Plan to Meet GHG Targets - Expand the Carbon Tax and Shift Funding From Highways to Transit.

3 ) End Old Growth Logging and the Export of Raw Logs.

4 ) Re-Invest in BC’s Park System and Expand Protected Areas.

5 ) Ban New Coal Mines.

6 ) Restore Funding and Staffing to the Ministry of Environment.

7 ) Protect BC Rivers - Enact a Moratorium on Private Power Projects and Stop Site C.

8 ) Enact Waste Reduction Legislation.

9 ) Ban Cosmetic Pesticides from Use or Sale.

10 ) Oppose Crude Oil Tankers On the BC Coast.

11) Let the Sunshine In - Enact Whistle Blower Protection and Strengthen FOI Laws.

For more information on these issues check out our press release and backgrounder announcing our Top 11 list.

We will be submitting this list to all candidates and will ask for a clear response in regards to their positions on these issues. To have a stronger impact, we need all the leadership candidates to know a lot of people care about these issues.

Please take a moment to send an email to these candidates. We have a letter writing tool set up on our website that will send your message to all of the candidates. You can also find contact information for all the candidates.

We will then issue a report on the various positions taken by candidates. We will let you know when the results are in.

Thanks for your help

Ben West | Healthy Communities Campaigner
Wilderness Committee

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