Sneak Attack on Canada's Spotted Owl Habitat

Thursday, June 23, 2011

When the BC government first announced several years ago that they would be designating special Wildlife Habitat Areas for the conservation of spotted owl habitat I had thought that the poor old spotted owl might finally be getting a break. Boy was I wrong.
In late May of 2011 we got a phone call from the Post Creek Ratepayers - a group of cabin owners out by Chilliwack Lake. They were concerned because a recently designated Wildlife Habitat Area near them seemed to be actually attracting logging proposals. 

We went out to have a look and sure enough the local forest which was supposedly protected within a Wildlife habitat Area was festooned with the flagging tape of the Tamihi Logging Company.

What the heck is going on we wondered. What we found out was disgusting. At the same time the BC government was telling everyone that areas had been set aside for the protection os spotted owl habitat where no logging would be allowed - they were making side deals with logging companies to allow exeptions. The Chilliwack WHA had over a dozen proposed logging cutblocks targetting the best spotted owl habitat.

Map of Chilliwack WHA

Map of Chilliwack WHA with proposed cutblocks 

3-D Map of Chilliwack WHA with proposed cutblocks

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