Environment and climate are at stake in the 2024 B.C. election

Many of the solutions to the problems we work on at the Wilderness Committee require changes in legislation and the provincial level. With four major parties vying for 93 seats in the provincial election coming up on October 19, it’s an important moment to ramp up pressure for action on climate change and biodiversity protection.
The fight for a safer future requires concerted and ongoing action from as many people as possible –elections are just one way to speak up and push for change. We know the politicians of all stripes will only act on the things they think they’ll win or lose votes over, so it’s up to us to tell them we’ll be voting for a healthy environment.
Candidates will be seeking us out to ask for our support – by phone and email, on social media, at community events and at our doorsteps. We can and should ask where they stand on key issues facing B.C., and our team has developed some simple resources to help make that fast and easy. Check them out below!
Download our resources here:
- Ask your candidates where they stand on environmental issues
- Ask your candidates where they stand on fracking and LNG
- Ask your candidates where they stand on old-growth forests
- Ask your candidates where they stand on protecting biodiversity
If you get answers (or meandering non-answers) to these from one of your candidates, we’d love to hear about it! Drop us a line on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or email us at info@wildernesscommittee.org.
Voting in elections is one tool we can use to call for the change we want to see. We encourage everyone to pressure your candidates to step up on the environment between now act October 19, and then join us afterwards to hold whoever forms government accountable.