Ten things you can do to help endangered wildlife in British Columbia

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Campbell River Mirror

Today more than 1,900 species are at risk of being extinct just in British Columbia from climate change, toxic contamination, urban sprawl, logging and industrial development etc. According to the Wilderness Committee of Canada, B.C has no endangered species legislation. Most people are unaware that although British Columbia has the greatest biodiversity in the country, we are one of only two provinces in Canada – the other being Alberta – that has no stand-alone law to protect endangered wildlife. Here are 10 things you can do to help:

  • Create a safe path for animals; slow down when driving and keep an eye out for wildlife.
  • Place decals on windows to avoid bird collisions. (Across North America, the estimated number of migrating birds killed in collisions with buildings ranges from 100 million to 1 billion birds.)
  • Be Sparing In Your Use Of Pesticides And Other Chemicals—And Put That Bug Zapper Away! (Many chemicals used outdoors to kill insect pests can also harm birds and beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies.)
  • Avoid throwing plastic into rivers and seas.  (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! Marine wildlife such as turtles, whales and dolphins confuse plastic with food. When eaten, their digestive tracts may become blocked and they may die from starvation.)
  • Raise Awareness! (Spread the word in your communities about local threatened species. Educate your children about endangered species; children are the future and well… sadly, EXTINCT is forever.)
  • Think before you release balloons into the air. (Deflated balloons often end up in waters where sea creatures think of them as food causing blockages resulting in slow, agonizing deaths.
  • Don’t Litter. (It sounds obvious, but discarded trash kills wildlife.)
  • Before you cut down trees and shrubs, check very carefully for nesting birds
  • Never feed wildlife. (Natural diets are always more nutritious for wildlife than human food. Bird feeders can be stocked with balanced mixes of different seed, appropriate for the birds in your area.)
  • Make your home wildlife friendly. (Secure garbage in shelters or cans with locking lids etc.)

Tory Stewart, Grade 8 | Phoenix Middle School

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