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A yellow canoe sits on the lower Bird River during a foggy sunrise
A yellow canoe sits on the lower Bird River during a foggy sunrise [Eric Reder]
Old-growth forest in Eden Grover, B.C. WC Files
A feller buncher inside Duck Mountain Provincial Park in October 2022
A feller buncher inside Duck Mountain Provincial Park in October 2022 [Eric Reder]
Peatlands bulldozed and destroyed by mineral exploration in Nopiming Provincial Park, 2022
Peatlands bulldozed and destroyed by mineral exploration in Nopiming Provincial Park, 2022. [Eric Reder]
2 people handing Kelly Green a stack of petitions. End of image description.
Wilderness Committee hands MLA Kelly Green 400 petitions against Tilbury LNG. Photo: Peter McCartney, Wilderness Committee
Forest razed before Environment Act licence issued in 2012 in Hollow Water First Nation
Forest razed before Environment Act licence issued in 2012 in Hollow Water First Nation [Eric Reder]