Wilderness Committee hosting candlelight vigil tonight as Canada bails on Kyoto Accord

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

VICTORIA -- Environment Minister Peter Kent has made every indication that Canada will quietly turn its back on the legally binding Kyoto climate treaty -- right in the middle of the Christmas season. The Canadian government's position has drawn widespread criticism at the ongoing UN climate talks in Durban, South Africa.

“After failing for years to reduce its emissions, Canada appears set to now be the first country to actually pull out of the Kyoto Protocol,” said Tria Donaldson, Pacific Coast Campaigner at the Wilderness Committee.

"This is unacceptable, and so today we will be making a stand.” The Wilderness Committee is hosting a candlelight vigil to draw attention to Canada's position on the Kyoto Protocol, today at 5:30pm on the lawn of the Legislature.

During the second week of the climate talks in Durban, Canada has come under fire for seriously obstructing progress. Today, six Canadian youth delegates stood up and turned their backs on Minister Kent as he was addressing the Durban UN climate talks.

“Our government has been racking up the 'Fossil of the Day' awards for blocking progress during negotiations, and MPs respond by laughing about it in the House of Commons,” said Donaldson, who has attended past climate negotiations as a member of the Canadian Youth Delegation.  “We are being called bullies and brats by leaders of other countries. Canadians want our country to be a leader on the global stage, not bullies.”



Tria Donaldson, Pacific Coast Campaigner, Wilderness Committee, cell: 250-686-9249